Given by the Prince of Peace - JESUS
Blessings are upon the head of the just: (Proverbs 10:6)


German  |  Haitian Creole  |  Italian  |  Kinyarwanda  |  Kiyombe  |  Lingala

Malagasy  |  Malayalam  |  Polish  |  Spanish  |  Tamil  |  Telugu


I want to thank Jesus for having saved me, for His grace and His great mercy.

In the seventies, Sis. Collins would invite the people to come and pray at the front. I had stayed in my bench, but I believe I was crying. Sis. Collins took my hand to come and join the others. Jesus had pity on a poor sinner.

Glory to God, the light of the Gospel did its work. A change took place both inside and out. Being an accountant by profession, I was not always honest. Jesus touched me, and gave me a heart to listen to my conscience, and one that was well disposed to serve Him. I no longer had the desire to dress in jeans. I cut my beard and also got a good haircut. God has put the thought of eternity in man.

I thank Sis. Collins for her patience, her prayers, counsels and also reprimands. I have a right to have indignation against those that would want to destroy this work.

I've always worked till the day I received my pension. The Lord was very good. He spared me many problems because I listened to the right voice.

Gislain Ste. Croix

Sailors attend the meetings. What they appreciate is that they receive a Bible in their own language. Sometimes they cannot even procure this in their own country, and they are especially surprised. Most of the time they can also hear a hymn in their mother tongue.


If you have in the past, attended Sister Therese Collins’ Ministries, and have received salvation, blessing or healing, we invite you to share it with us.

Sister Therese Collins’ Ministries

C.P. 205 Succ. St-Michel
Montreal, Qc, Canada, H2A 3L9

Telephone : (514) 803-4748

Any abusive language will not be read.