Given by the Prince of Peace - JESUS
Blessings are upon the head of the just: (Proverbs 10:6)


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Glory to Jesus! Praise Jesus! Our God is a wonderful God! He IS alive today. Do not let anyone tell you that He is not for He lives. I know this as one day in October 2000 during a little Gospel Mission in Vancouver, BC, the Lord Jesus Christ touched my heart and I gave my life to Him. I thank Him for the Preacher who stood fast upon the Word of God, the infallible Truth, and told me about the need to get saved and have a personal relationship with Him. I always thought I was a good girl. I never smoked and had never drunk alcohol. At 12 years of age, I even signed my name to a card saying that I accepted Jesus Christ into my life, but it wasn't enough. God knew that all this would NOT give me joy and peace in my heart, and would NOT give me eternal life. In His love and mercy, He brought me into Sis. T. Collins' meetings where He kept nudging at my heart to get saved and give myself entirely over to Him. Thank you Jesus! I was not like some who refused the word but I got down on my knees and cried out to God! I admitted to God that I was a sinner and that I needed Him in my life to be able to live. Praise the Lord! God in His mercy and grace saved me and gave me a new heart and life.

That very first night of my new life, I slept like a baby. I used to always have nightmares, but no more! Praise Jesus! I went home with so much joy and peace in my heart and soul. I could feel that I was different! I was changed! I was now wearing garments of Holiness! I no longer needed my worldly garments and magazines. I threw them all in the garbage that night for that is what they were. I had something better! Thank you Jesus that my eyes were opened up unto all the lies and deceits of Satan! Satan doesn't want people to sit still during Gospel meetings. He doesn't want people to accept God's rebuke from true Preachers such as Sis. Collins who lives a selfless life completely dedicated to Him. Satan is only a thief and deceiver who wants people to go to hell for eternity.

Throughout the years, God has been with me and has never left me. I thank the Lord for Sis. Collins who cares for me like her very own. She has ALWAYS been there for me and my family. When we were in need of healing, Sis. Collins and her family prayed for us and we were instantly healed. When my husband, who is originally from Cameroon, needed deliverance from hearing demonic voices and seeing things that were not real, Sis. Collins prayed for him and the power of God came upon him. When we stepped out of the meeting hall just after receiving prayer, he told me that he felt something leave his body and that now He was free! Praise Jesus for that mighty deliverance!! On earth we are living a spiritual battle against demonic forces and it is ONLY God's anointing which can break the yoke. Thank you very much Sis. Collins! God hears and answers the prayers of the righteous!

Sis. Bobbi (wife of Germain)


Good day very dear Sister Collins,

I am so overjoyed that I have received the C.D. you sent me. I have just received it, and have not yet listened, but will do so shortly.

I know not how to continue without telling you how your way of life, in modesty, which is the true picture of Jesus Christ; how your attachment with tenacity; how your attachment to Holiness which comes from the Cross of Christ; how your indescribable love for our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, have been for me the best Gospel that I have ever heard.

Truly, the Lord knows that I am telling the truth from my heart. You have really made an impact on my life. I can say that His grace in your life was not in vain. I have known what it means to love the Lord, in seeing your life of consecration to Him. By observing your life, I understand better what Paul said, "For me to live is Christ and to die is gain". I understand better what Paul was saying, when he said, "I count all things but dung, for the excellency of winning Christ".

Yes, I have seen it with my eyes in your life, and I glorified God. I believed that He could give me this victory.

I remember in Vancouver, while you were preaching, you would cry out, "I have given Him my life, my friend". Yes, I am a witness, that you have victory over the world, in His name. Glory, praise, power to the Lamb of God, Jesus Christ, the King of Glory.


If you have a video cassette, perhaps future generations would refer to it, to understand and know, that somewhere in North America, in a country called Canada, in spite of the spiritual darkness and spiritual weakness which was fully taking over in many churches, there was a little church led by a humble Servant of the all powerful Lord, who lived being an example of the first church - This church had succeeded in demonstrating the way, the character, and the holiness of its Lord - in loving Him with all their heart, soul, and spirit. This church was called, "The Church of the Sea", and the humble Servant of Christ was "Sister Collins".

May Jesus Christ be glorified in your life and ministry forever. Let us not forget that even the way that praises are sung in your services, are something very rare. We seldom see that any place. The praises are living.

I have always spoken of this church to all whom I have met, and wanted to identify themselves with Christ.

The manner in which the brothers and sisters dress, reflects a simplicity, that does not in any way call to the world, nor does rouse the flesh. We can see the consecration of the Leader to the Lord Jesus Christ.

I remember, one day in Vancouver, I missed a meeting. Sister Collins asked me why I was absent. I said I was working. She answered, "You missed a meeting because of work?" Yes, I call this true consecration. I use this example often to show, that when we are in Christ, all is mud at our feet. To tell a person not to miss a meeting for work; means that the person who said it is completely dead to the world and that her hope is only in the City up yonder, the New Jerusalem. Yes, this is to be free from the world.

I have always used your faith, consecration, sanctification, as an example to encourage other brothers and sisters.

May the grace of the One who appeared in the bush unto Moses, and He who is your strength, the Lord Jesus Christ, be with you forever.


Brother Germain in Vancouver.

(originally from Cameroon)


If you have in the past, attended Sister Therese Collins’ Ministries, and have received salvation, blessing or healing, we invite you to share it with us.

Sister Therese Collins’ Ministries

C.P. 205 Succ. St-Michel
Montreal, Qc, Canada, H2A 3L9

Telephone : (514) 803-4748

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