Given by the Prince of Peace - JESUS
Blessings are upon the head of the just: (Proverbs 10:6)


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I would like to tell what Jesus has done during the last 33 years of my life, by the grace of Sister Therese Collins' preaching. My purpose is to give all the glory to Jesus, and to encourage people who have a broken heart and who are very sick to accept Jesus as their personal Saviour.

When I was 23, I became a widow. My husband died when he was 28 in a car accident and I could not get over it. I tried everything to forget this: going out, travelling, drinking, nothing helped.

Four years later, I found myself in a hospital with a broken back, after falling down a flight of stairs. I underwent a physiotherapy surgery; I had to have a steel corset, but it didn't work.

After four years of pain, doctors offered me 2 operations on my back and warned me that I could possibly become totally paralysed.

I cried to God in my distress, and He answered me.

Two days before the operations, I was invited to attend a Christian Assembly. They told me a missionary named Sister Therese Collins was praying in the name of Jesus for people, and those who were sincere were delivered and healed. Therefore, I decided to go; I had nothing to lose. It was a great effort for me as I was in extreme pain. It was like fire, like a knife going through my back. Jesus saw my determination and had pity on me. In the presence of Jesus, all pain left the moment I entered the prayer hall, and my faith that I had lost, came back to me through the Word of God, which was preached by Sister Therese Collins.

I was amazed when my life was developed like a film in front of my eyes during the Preaching. I felt and admitted to myself that I was a guilty sinner, and I felt my great need of Jesus. Sister Therese Collins said that Jesus is the only Saviour, and that He could take away our sins, our past, our pain and heal us. Jesus was the solution to all our problems. Jesus had given His precious Blood for us on the Cross to give us Eternal Life.

It was like a dream. I felt the desire to live this personal experience with Jesus and I accepted Him as my Saviour. Sister Therese Collins laid her hands on me in the name of Jesus and for the first time in my life, I felt the presence of God flow through my body and a warmth in my back.

When Sister Therese Collins prayed for me, she said, "Don't be afraid, Madam, I feel the presence of God with you". She also said, "If this woman is ready to live for you, Jesus, heal her, take away her sorrow". At that moment, I believed that this was a woman of God. She told me that Jesus would heal me and to come back to the next meeting.

The next day, I woke up completely healed. I felt a peace, and indescribable happiness. They helped me to get out of bed and I realized that I was straight again. They helped me to walk; I was healed. What a miracle! I cried, I laughed. Jesus transformed me without any effort of my own. I forgave those who had hurt me and caused me trouble. What a deliverance! I felt free like a bird, very light. Jesus became my great Doctor, the widow's Comforter, the Prince of Peace.

I called my doctor. Several doctors confirmed my miraculous recovery after testing me for over 4½ months.

I also was healed from cancer of the thyroid gland in 1994, in Vancouver. Again, they admitted it was a miraculous healing. Lately, in 2011, I have been again healed from severe inner ear infection.

I would like to mention my father's cure after a stroke and paralysis. He was 78. He was given three more days to live. Sister Therese Collins prayed for him and he recovered. He was 90 in June 2011.

I will be grateful forever to Jesus who gave me Sister Therese Collins as a preacher. It was under her Ministry of healing, miracles, and sanctification that I have been saved, healed and encouraged, received counselling and exhortation. If I have the victory today, it is thanks to the preaching of Sister Therese Collins, her numerous prayers have kept me on the right way.

Sister Therese Collins has always preached us the truth. Jesus is with her, at her side to guide her in everything. That is the reason why she is anointed.

It is a privilege to be under an anointed Ministry.

With the love of Jesus,
Monique Payeur


If you have in the past, attended Sister Therese Collins’ Ministries, and have received salvation, blessing or healing, we invite you to share it with us.

Sister Therese Collins’ Ministries

C.P. 205 Succ. St-Michel
Montreal, Qc, Canada, H2A 3L9

Telephone : (514) 803-4748

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