Given by the Prince of Peace - JESUS
Blessings are upon the head of the just: (Proverbs 10:6)


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In 1960, I left home young, bull-headed, selfish and cocky, so typical of the attitude of some of the youth of today

By 1976, my life looked successful from the outside. I had a good job, a house, a wife and two children, but the true meaning of life was such a big question to me, and my bondage to alcohol took its toll on our marriage. We were soon at the point of divorce.

My life was being consumed in the bars and clubs more and more. My heart was so empty of anything that related to God. I thank Jesus for the day I was invited to a meeting where Sis. Collins was holding a Gospel meeting. The Word of God preached under the anointing of the Holy Spirit touched my heart profoundly. I remember kneeling in prayer; Sis. Collins prayed for me, and I felt the love of Jesus for the first time in my life. Salvation came into my heart and Jesus delivered me from drinking and of course the selfish life that went with it.

It has been over thirty years since that night; what a change! Jesus saved my soul and also my marriage.

The Word of God and the Godly counsel of Sis. Collins' Ministries, has guided our lives. My wife and I can both sincerely say "Praise the Lord and Glory to Jesus".

Today I am more convinced than ever that Jesus is "the Way, the Truth and the Life". John 14:6

People search for peace and peace of mind and if they fail to find it in Jesus, they will never know true happiness. He only is the "Prince of Peace" and the answer to all life's problems.

Because of Jesus' forgiveness, I no longer have to joust with the ghosts of the past.

Jesus' transcendent love set me free and gave me an assurance of eternal life.

I thank Jesus and Sis. Collins' Ministries for the joy I have in my heart today.

Give your life to Jesus, the Son of the living God today!

Ken Laing


I thank the Lord Jesus, for all His great goodness to me, and His great mercy that He saved my soul under this ministry and gave me the most wonderful experience of my life.

Just like the Bible says: "Thou drewest near in the day that I called upon thee: Thou saidest, Fear not. O Lord, Thou hast pleaded the causes of my soul; Thou hast redeemed my life." Lam. 3:57.58

Before coming to these meetings, I can say I was very unhappy, miserable and fed up with this life in the world, my conscience was bothering me, I had no peace, a nervous wreck. I tried everything the world had to offer, I tried everything to entertain myself, but nothing satisfied me. I was on the broad way that leads to destruction. But my heart was crying for the way out and I often thought: "I can't believe that this is life!!! There must be something somewhere!!! But where???" No one had the answer for me.

Today I am so happy and thankful for the Grace of God that saw and heard the cry of my heart and guided me to these meetings where the Lord had prepared great things for me.

It is in these meetings, that I heard the good Word of God, that touched and talked to my heart, where I felt the love of God for the first time in my life, where I met with Jesus, and He became real to my heart.

It is in these meetings, that Jesus came and saved my soul and opened my eyes, and showed me my condition. I cried and cried because of my sins. He forgave me everything and delivered me, and made me escape the corruption of this world. I tasted of all the goodness of the Lord and passed from death unto life. John 5:24 & 1 John 3:14

It is in these meetings, that I have been been born again, and became a new creature, that I found the peace, the joy, true happiness, satisfaction and assurance. All these good things I could never find in this world but found them all freely in the good Presence of Jesus.

It is in these meetings, that I became a child of God and that my name was written in the Book of Life amongst the Redeemed of the Lord and the great family of God.

I will thank the Lord Jesus the rest of my life and during all eternity for His great Salvation and the great price He paid for my deliverance. I am so happy and thankful that He came to see and to save that which was lost and also to destroy the works of the devil, and that is what He did for me.

To Him be glory and honour for all eternity, because the All-Mighty had done great things for me.

His name is Holy...

I want to thank Jesus for giving us such a ministry on the earth, a ministry who saw the Lord with her own eyes and kept the Presence of Jesus real, through and through all these years, and preached us the truth and the reality of the things of God, that Jesus really lives, that He never changes, that He can save and deliver whosoever wants, but will never force anybody. It is only a question of having a "Yes" in our heart.

How thankful I am today that Sister Therese Collins was not afraid to preach against my sins or to offend me, but at the same time showed me the way out, pointing me to Jesus, the deliverance, and introduced me to the Presence of Jesus, and made me know all the good paths that lead to life. It is under this ministry also that I have know the blessing and healing, that I learned to put the Lord first in my life, and to walk with Him. It is very true, once we've felt the Presence of Jesus, that we cannot be without it. It is the centre of our whole life and our true happiness.

It is now 35 years since Jesus came and save my soul. I am happy to attend these meetings and look forward to be there, and invite someone else to come with me to hear the Living Word of God, so miraculous, meeting the need of the day, a real food for my soul. I feel very good in these meetings, it's my home, I was born there, and that's where I belong.

I don't want to miss any of all the good experiences that the Lord has in store for us. It is so wonderful to know that He is there and that all power in Heaven and earth was given to Him.

What joy, what happiness and glory to belong to Him.

I'm glad that one day, my eyes also will see Him, face to face, the One who loved me so much. Sister Therese Collins also will be there, and she will shine forth like the stars of the firmament, because she preached the righteousness of God on earth, and was a living example to us in word and in deed.

Georgettte Audet Laing


If you have in the past, attended Sister Therese Collins’ Ministries, and have received salvation, blessing or healing, we invite you to share it with us.

Sister Therese Collins’ Ministries

C.P. 205 Succ. St-Michel
Montreal, Qc, Canada, H2A 3L9

Telephone : (514) 803-4748

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