Given by the Prince of Peace - JESUS
Blessings are upon the head of the just: (Proverbs 10:6)


German  |  Haitian Creole  |  Italian  |  Kinyarwanda  |  Kiyombe  |  Lingala

Malagasy  |  Malayalam  |  Polish  |  Spanish  |  Tamil  |  Telugu


I am very thankful that God called me from Germany to Canada.

When I came to the meeting, Sister Collins preached with the anointing and power of God. I could feel the presence of God that touched my heart.

The Spirit of God lead me to repentance of my sins. Peace and joy came into my heart.

One day I had to go to the doctor for a check up. The doctor diagnosed me with diabetes. I said to the doctor, "I will ask my preacher for prayer and Jesus will heal me". The doctor said, "That will never happen". Nevertheless, Jesus answered the prayer of Sister Collins and God healed me. For with God, nothing shall be impossible. Luke 1:37.

I can eat everything, as if I never would have had that disease.

Praise the Lord!

My sister, Dina, is gone to heaven, but she leaves blessed memories behind. She was blessed with the joy of the Lord.

Thank you Jesus for everything you have done for me. Thank you Sister Collins for all your prayers.

Frieda Gram


I had believing, praying parents, which left a good impression, in my youth.

Later, these things came to my remembrance and I asked myself the question; "How about your Christianity?".

I visited many meetings and was still left with uncertainty.

Then, I heard, that in Montreal is a congregation, where the presence of God is in strength and power. On January 30th, 1973, I came to Montreal for a visit (from Germany). I had a longing in my heart, and a hope for its fulfilment. I was not disappointed. I felt the lovely atmosphere, and the presence of God, even if I did not understand French, nor English. I could feel that this was the work of God. It was not difficult with the good counsel of Sister Collins, to ask God to forgive my sins. At that moment, the power of God came down on me, and the joy of the Lord filled my soul.

The whole environment looked so beautiful, that I forgot that I had been sick. I was completely healed. This joy still accompanies me today.

I know that Sister Collins prayed much for me and is still praying for me.

In 1988, I immigrated to Canada and will stay at the Mission, because it is the best place.

One morning, I woke up with strong pain in my left leg. I could not stand up nor walk. The Doctor said; "I can do nothing for you. It is a pinched nerve." I asked Sister Collins for prayer, and Jesus healed me completely.

Emil Schellmann


If you have in the past, attended Sister Therese Collins’ Ministries, and have received salvation, blessing or healing, we invite you to share it with us.

Sister Therese Collins’ Ministries

C.P. 205 Succ. St-Michel
Montreal, Qc, Canada, H2A 3L9

Telephone : (514) 803-4748

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