Given by the Prince of Peace - JESUS
Blessings are upon the head of the just: (Proverbs 10:6)


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Sister Therese Collins' ministry, and her heart, has always been for people "of all nations" to hear about the saving grace of Jesus Christ. It is a great commission that Jesus gives, and she takes it seriously. Others are invited to attend the sailors' meetings if they don't interfere with this work. They may even be invited to work in the ministry, if they also take the commission seriously.

I asked Jesus to come into my life during one of these meetings many years ago. Jesus changed my heart. I didn't want to drink or smoke anymore, The Lord also made me want to be a good wife and mother. Jesus also saved my husband and two children.

We went to Vancouver, B.C., to be with Sister Therese Collins in the sailors' ministry there. We would go to the ships to bring the sailors to the Gospel meetings that Sister Therese Collins held just for them. They not only heard about the saving power of Jesus, but received a Bible in their own language.

I would like to share a few things that I personally heard from some of these sailors.

One Russian captain came with many of his crew. He said that as a child he was always told there was no God. His mother was a principal at a school, and she was told that she would be fired if she or her children attended church. He said that after his mother retired, he received a letter from her. She said that; "There really is a God", and she encouraged him to seek for Him. He told me that he always knew there was a God, even though they were told not to believe. He was happy he could come with his crew to Sister Therese Collins' meeting to find out for himself and receive a Russian Bible.

Another time, we brought 5 Chinese sailors. After the meeting, I could see one sailor was very excited, but I couldn't understand what he was saying. Another sailor translated: "He is happy because in our country they have these same meetings, but everyone must whisper, and sing very softly. The authorities listen at the windows and if they hear any Christians meeting together, they break it up and many are arrested. Today he could freely pray to God and sing loudly the same songs in his language." Then, the other sailor looked at me with a big smile and tapped his chest. He said; "Same, same". In other words, he had the same Jesus in his heart that we did.

We invited Burmese sailors, and one said to the others; "Come. We won't have to pay now to go to church." He explained that in their country, they had to hide from the rebel forces there. They knew if they went to church, they would be caught outside afterward, and forced to pay money to be released. They said that they went to church anyway. Here, they were glad they could freely come to worship in safety with Sister Therese Collins. They also would receive a Bible in their own language from her.

One sailor from the Philippines came to the Gospel meeting every time he was in port. One time he was praying; "revive me Lord". That night, Sister Therese Collins preached a mighty message on "Revive us again Oh Lord". He was very happy on the way back to the ship, and he said he received much from the Lord.

Another sailor from India, had been at sea for 18 months. He really wanted to go home to see his family. He asked prayer that night. The next day he was very excited. He had received orders that he was being sent home on leave. Jesus had done a great miracle for him.

Some sailors from "Kiribati" and "Tuvalu" came with us when invited. They said they came from small countries, so they didn't usually leave the ship when in port. They were happy that they would be brought to the sailors' meeting and back again in safety. When no Bibles were available in their languages, Sister Therese Collins had some printed at her own expense, so they could receive a Bible too.

One officer from a communist country said that now in their schools, they are begging to have the Bible taught. He warned that sometimes our country is heading for the same hole that they were in.

There are so many more things I could tell, as could others that have been in this great work. I am glad there is a website where the sailors can write themselves of their own experiences.

Sister Therese Collins, as Nehemiah, is doing a great work for the Lord. And, as Nehemiah, there are some that want her to "come down". Some, so they can try to destroy the work. Some, to settle petty arguments and make demands.

But Jesus will accomplish all He sets out to do in this ministry and in all who are in the work of the Lord today.

We now have new commitments, and new directions, but I will always thank God for what I have seen Jesus Christ do through this ministry.

I wish them all the best in their future work.

Sincerely in Christ,
Linda Britch (U.S.A.)


If you have in the past, attended Sister Therese Collins’ Ministries, and have received salvation, blessing or healing, we invite you to share it with us.

Sister Therese Collins’ Ministries

C.P. 205 Succ. St-Michel
Montreal, Qc, Canada, H2A 3L9

Telephone : (514) 803-4748

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