Given by the Prince of Peace - JESUS
Blessings are upon the head of the just: (Proverbs 10:6)


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Long before coming to Canada, my first prayer to the Lord, was to find an assembly where I could feel His presence, and worship and praise Him in spirit and in truth.

Today, I want to thank the Lord that He has granted me that grace. It is already a year and a half since I was invited to Sis. Collins' meetings, and I can say that the Lord has blessed me much through her preaching and prayers.

I underwent two major surgeries, within two months; glory be to God, I came out of the operations safe and sound, through the prayers of this ministry.

The greatest blessing which I received in these services, was the Salvation of my husband. Before, he wasn't saved, and never went to church. However, it was the Lord's will to save him under Sis. Collins' ministry, a year ago. Now, I can say in the name of Jesus, who shed His blood for us, "As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord". (Joshua 24:15) There is no greater Salvation, than to give your life to Jesus, who gave His life for our sins.

Solmussette Dauphin


I thank the Lord for having led me to Sis. Collins' meetings. It's a privilege for me to hear the pure, undiluted Truth.

Before I was saved, it was very difficult for me to go to church, but now, I go to the meeting every Sunday.

The Lord has done so much for me. I had so much anxiety and fear. One night Sis. Collins prayed for me, and told me to put Jesus first in my life. I resolved to put Jesus first, and since that time, I have less fear and everything has become normal for me. Now, I go to the meetings for the Salvation of my soul, to listen to the Word of God, and put it in practice.

I am now on the highway and I cannot go back. The Lord has closed all the wrong exits for me, and I give Him glory and honour for all He has done for me!

Piperwell Dauphin


If you have in the past, attended Sister Therese Collins’ Ministries, and have received salvation, blessing or healing, we invite you to share it with us.

Sister Therese Collins’ Ministries

C.P. 205 Succ. St-Michel
Montreal, Qc, Canada, H2A 3L9

Telephone : (514) 803-4748

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