Given by the Prince of Peace - JESUS
Blessings are upon the head of the just: (Proverbs 10:6)


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At 32 years old, somehow, I thought that I would die. I was depressed and searching everywhere for happiness; but never finding it. Most of the people in my life had disappointed me, but I had a love for Jesus, and somehow, I knew He would not disappoint me. At 32, I did not die! On the contrary, I started to really live when I met Jesus in a personal way on September 29,1979. During that summer, I had started to listen to some "Celestial music" and wondered about heaven. I thought: "There must be something more in life than drink, eat and sleep". I was searching and praying. During that time, I had a dream 3 times, and I wondered what it meant. I saw 3 men from Biblical times at a well, one drawing water to give it to me. Later when I was wondering about it, Jesus made me understand that it was Him calling me to the Living waters and at the well were Abraham, Isaac and Jacob

Shortly after my dream, a friend who studied with me at Teacher's College stopped at my Mother's place to ask for my address. My mother told her I was in the car waiting for her. So, Monique came to see me and told me about the great miracle she received from Jesus and she invited me to come to a meeting of the Missionary who prayed for her "in the name of Jesus". I thought, "I have nothing to lose", so I came and spent one weekend at Monique's place. She told me how she was able to forgive her father that she had not seen for 15 years! I realized that I had to forgive my father also if I wanted to be healed from my depression.

The meeting was wonderful and all the songs touched my heart. I could not wait, and was afraid to miss the altar call to get prayed for. Sister Collins prayed for me "in the name of Jesus", and He showed me I had to forgive 3 people: my father, one of my sisters and a lady who treated me very wrongly. I forgave them and I asked Jesus to save me, and to forgive me, because I did not want to go to hell. Jesus saved me. I felt His presence and the depression was gone! I had such a hope in my heart! I felt loved by Jesus!

Before, I did not feel loved, because my father was not present in my life except to discipline me very harshly. It seemed as if I could never do anything right. My mother loved me, but she was so busy with 8 children and she was very sick at one time. At one point, they had to put me in an orphanage, because of lack of money for boarding school. I was only 5 years old at that time. I remember crying every night, I felt so rejected.

Because of my father, I was looking for love and I went to live "common-law" with my boyfriend. I thought I was being modern, but shortly after I got saved, Jesus put in my heart to get married. He showed me how terrible it is in His eyes to live like that. So, I married Jacques, and I was quite surprised to realize there is a grace to marriage because God can bless us since we are living according to His commandments. That grace made a big difference in our marriage. Jesus gave me a true love for Jacques, He fixed our problems, undertook for my children, and healed me of a tumour on the right ovary when Sis. Collins prayed for me. When the doctor operated to remove it, it was completely gone. Also in 2009, I had "C difficile", and I almost died from it, but thanks to Jesus and Sis. Collins, who prayed much for me, I was healed just in time to go to Miriam's, (my daughter) wedding. She did not catch the bacteria even though it is highly contagious. Praise God and all the glory to Jesus.

Come to a meeting to find out what great things the Lord has for you. He is the same yesterday, today and forever and He loves you so!

Claudette Tanguay


If you have in the past, attended Sister Therese Collins’ Ministries, and have received salvation, blessing or healing, we invite you to share it with us.

Sister Therese Collins’ Ministries

C.P. 205 Succ. St-Michel
Montreal, Qc, Canada, H2A 3L9

Telephone : (514) 803-4748

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