Given by the Prince of Peace - JESUS
Blessings are upon the head of the just: (Proverbs 10:6)


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It was Saturday, January 19th, 2013. It was a beautiful day. I got up early in the morning, prayed, read my Bible, then I had breakfast with my brother and sister-in-law.

At 9:30 a.m., I left for Montreal from St-Siméon, in the Charlevoix region of Quebec.

Approximately 30 minutes later, I was in Clermont, Route 138. It was a beautiful road, no ice, or snow and good visibility. It was ideal weather. Everything seemed to be going well, when suddenly the car flew up in the air, and like a fallen leaf, started to roll from one side to the other, ending up in a snow bank. The first moments passed, and at that time, I was thanking God that I was not dead, and also not feeling any pain. Then, people started to come around and help. The car was still running, and it was dangerous for fire, etc.; firemen, police, ambulance medics, everyone doing their best to get me out of the car. The firemen had to cut part of the body of the car, the ambulance man came in the car with me to help my head keep straight. They finally got a plank in and strapped me to it and got me out into the ambulance.

Thirty minutes after the accident, I was in the ambulance en route for the "La Malbaie Hospital". They took x-rays and blood tests, etc., at first, everything seemed normal. Then, one nurse called the doctor in charge, and I heard them discuss that the x-ray showed a broken spine in several places. Immediately they called the "Enfant Jesus Hospital" in Quebec City, to talk to Dr. Paquet, and he agreed to take me in. Even though the weather was now bad, due to the urgency of the situation, they then took me in an ambulance to Quebec City. While I was in the first hospital, the first thing I did, was to call a Christian friend of mine, and asked him to call my Preacher, Sister Collins for prayer. I gave him the news that I was in the hospital, I did not know for how long, and that my car was scrapped. I told him that I should have asked for prayers before I left, not after.

Even though the weather had changed to almost a storm, the ambulance, a nurse and two aids were on their way to Enfant Jesus Hospital in Quebec City. We arrived about an hour later. There, Dr. Paquet, a surgeon in the "traumalogy" department, took charge of me. After having taken x-rays, blood tests, etc., he offered to operate on my spine, giving me all the necessary explanations.

He discussed with my family the after effects and inconveniences that could occur. They agreed to the operation, and so did I. Sister Collins and all the brothers and sisters were praying for me, so I was not afraid, but hopeful. My family saw it from a different light. They thought I was finished, and discussed my funeral.


At best, they thought I would be a paraplegic in a wheel chair, and finally in an old folks home. They even emptied my apartment, because they felt I would never be able to live alone, and take care of myself.

The operation was a success, but the after effects were different. My kidneys stopped operating, all my body started to bloat. My fingers looked like sausages and my hands were double their normal size. I felt very sick, and for a few days while the hospital staff tried to control all these side effects, I was out of control. I was unconscious.

A few days later, my condition improved and I regained consciousness of what was going on. I recovered beyond everyone's expectation. They had talked about a minimum of 4 months rehabilitation in a special center, etc. A few weeks later, they transferred me to the Montreal General Hospital. I stayed there for 2 days, and then they sent me home. I felt alright, and I stayed with a Christian friend of mine.

The hospital had outfitted me with a "corset" to hold my head, etc. I had that for a few months. When I went back to the "Enfant Jesus" hospital, to see Dr. Paquet, for a final diagnostic of all this; after examining my new x-rays, he came to see me in the waiting room and walked with me to his office. He looked at my x-rays for a while, trying to understand. He looked at me and said, "Mr. Delisle, at your age, and after checking everything, it is a complete miracle that you are in such good condition." He never said that he had done such a good job, or anything else of that kind, he just said that it was a complete miracle. I answered him, "With Jesus, prayers, and a good doctor, it could not fail." I had one invitation left to attend a Gospel Meeting. I told him, "I have one left. I have reserved it for you. God bless you." He replied, "Thank you so very much! You may remove your "corset" when you feel you no longer need it."

I left for Montreal, with gratitude in my heart; thanking Jesus for answering Sister Collins' prayers, and the privilege I have to tell the whole world. Miracles do happen; the Bible says, "Only believe".

Jesus loves you and cares for you!

André Delisle (86 years old)


If you have in the past, attended Sister Therese Collins’ Ministries, and have received salvation, blessing or healing, we invite you to share it with us.

Sister Therese Collins’ Ministries

C.P. 205 Succ. St-Michel
Montreal, Qc, Canada, H2A 3L9

Telephone : (514) 803-4748

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