A Mother’s
heart is all
Plated with gold,
And inside is filled
With His love untold!
A Mother’s heart can,
No, never grow cold,
A Mother’s heart will,
No, never grow old!
A Mother’s heart cares,
When the skies are gray,
A Mother’s heart sings,
On a brighter day!
A Mother’s heart will,
Not complain or whine,
But in troublesome times,
It will really shine!
A Mother’s heart will,
Yes, forever live,
For God Himself did,
A Mother’s heart give!
The Collins Family
If you have in the past, attended Sister Therese Collins’ Ministries, and have received salvation, blessing or healing, we invite you to share it with us.
Sister Therese Collins’ Ministries
C.P. 205 Succ. St-Michel
Montreal, Qc, Canada, H2A 3L9
Telephone : (514) 803-4748