Given by the Prince of Peace - JESUS
Blessings are upon the head of the just: (Proverbs 10:6)


German  |  Haitian Creole  |  Italian  |  Kinyarwanda  |  Kiyombe  |  Lingala

Malagasy  |  Malayalam  |  Polish  |  Spanish  |  Tamil  |  Telugu


Dear Sister Collins,

Blessed be the Name of the Lord!

Thanking Jesus for all His goodness!


Yes! Every meeting is truly marvellous, and Jesus always manifests Himself by His Spirit through you, Sister Collins, by the preaching, for the Salvation of people of all nations, and so that each person present may feel more and more the great and precious Presence of Jesus when you pray for all of us!

Thank you Jesus! Hallelujah!

Thanking Jesus for such a great privilege to be under your ministry, Sister Collins, that is so powerful and guided by Jesus Himself, and His Holy Spirit.

Yes! Jesus brought a Pastor and his daughter from Toronto, by His Spirit. Amen! Thank you Jesus! Hallelujah!

May God bless you all, you and your family!

Claire Bilodeau

"...for out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaketh."

(Matt. 12:34)


If you have in the past, attended Sister Therese Collins’ Ministries, and have received salvation, blessing or healing, we invite you to share it with us.

Sister Therese Collins’ Ministries

C.P. 205 Succ. St-Michel
Montreal, Qc, Canada, H2A 3L9

Telephone : (514) 803-4748

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